Report of Meeting 12th April 2023

Meeting on 12th April 2023


The meeting was held at the Long Room, Penial Chapel, Blaenpennal.

The Society will in future operate as te Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society.

The new Constitution was presented to the meeting, and adopted subject to any objections within the period specified.

A financial report was presented.

The Committee was re-elected en bloc.

Welsh Conversation sessions will continue bi – monthly.

History meetings will resume in September. 2023.

Summer activities and other social events are open for suggestions.

The presentation for the evening was kindly given   by     Meic Birtwistle

            Frongoch – Gwalia et Italia – In happy comradeship

            Conflict between Welsh and Italian lead miners  c 1900

New Constitution – Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society

Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society – Constitution.

1.0) Name

The name of the Association shall be “ Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society“ hereinafter called the “Cymdeithas”, or “CMBS”. Formally known as the Cymdeithas Hanes Blaenpennal.

2.0) Affiliation

The Cymdeithas is not affiliated to any other organisation.

3.0) Definitions

“Member” means a fully paid up member of the CMBS.

“Year” means a calendar year.

“Financial Year” means the period between 1st January and 31st December, inclusive.

‘A.G.M.” means Annual General Meeting

“S.G.M.” means Special General Meeting.

4.0) Aims

(a) To encourage the knowledge and recording, of the history of the area known as the Mynydd Bach, including old Blaenpennal parish in 1905, including Bontnewydd, as displayed on a map.

(b) To collate existing information, to provide a database of evidence, which shall be available to members, or be available to the members or public by means of the internet or publishing printed material, or other means as agreed at the AGM or a SGM.

(c) To promote the interests, education, and social activities of the CMBS area and to provide an exchange of information between members.

(d) To co-operate with education and other authorities in disseminating knowledge of the history of the CMBS area.

5.0) Membership

Membership shall be open to all who support the aims of the CMBS, and pay the subscription, due on 1st September each year, as agreed at the AGM.

The Membership Subscription covers an individual.

Honorary membership may be granted at the discretion of the Committee.

6.0) The Officers

The Officers of the Association shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Membership Secretary, as duly elected at the A.G.M. for a year terms of office, provided that the Secretary and the Treasurer do not vacate the Committee in the same year. Together the Committee represent the governing body of the CMBS

7.0) The Committee.

The Committee shall consist of the above Officers assisted by, at least two other members, provided that the total number of the Committee shall not exceed 10 (ten).

The Committee shall be elected at the A.G.M. and have the power to co-opt other members to assist with special projects, and vary the Officers if required.

The meetings of the Committee shall be chaired by the Chairman of the CMBS; in his absence by the Vice-Chairman, if both are absent then by any other officer duly elected.


8.0) Annual General Meeting

An A.G.M shall be held each year during the month of March or April, starting 2023, the venue and agenda being made available by the Secretary to each member at least two weeks in advance of the meeting, if possible. If this is not possible the Secretary shall notify the members, and they will have the right to object within 14 days, to any decisions made at the AGM.

The Agenda shall include:

Election of Officers

Reports of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer.


Each paid up member attending the A.G.M. or S.G.M. , or objecting within the 14 days, shall be entitled to one vote;

In the case of equal votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

9.0) Special General Meeting

A S.G.M shall be called on the formal request of any member, supported in writing by at least eight others. A S.G.M. may also be called by the Committee.

The procedures shall be the same as for an A.G.M. save that only the specific item(s) on the agenda shall be discussed.

10.0) Management.

(a) The day to day management of the CMBS shall be directed by the Committee of whom four shall constitute a quorum, excluding co-opted members.

(b) The Committee shall hold meetings at least once a year; normally seven days notice shall be given together with the agenda. ln the case of equal votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

(c) The Committee may accept or refuse application for membership; it may also defer acceptance or terminate existing membership.

{d} The Committee may receive any legacies, grant-in-aid, and donations, from local or other authorities, or persons.

{e} The Committee shall have the power to recommend to the A.G.M. the amount of the annual subscription.

11.0) Accounts

All funds, shall be held by the Treasurer, or in a bank account.

The end of the CMBS’s financial year will be the 31st December.

All payments will be agreed at the Committee meetings.

12.0) Financial status

The CMBS shall operate as a “Not for profit organisation”, the assets, property and funds will only be used for promoting the aims of the Cymdeithas.

If the Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Cymdeithas,, it shall call a meeting of all voting members of the CMBS, for which meeting not less than 21 clear days’ notice (stating the terms of the Resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be given. If such decision shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at such meeting the Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the CMBS. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to an organisation, or otherwise, as agreed by the members attending, at the Dissolution Meeting.

13.0) Alterations of the Constitution

The Constitution may be amended only at an A.G.M. or at a S.G.M. called for that purpose.


Version 4 adopted 12 April 2023


…………………………………. Jez Danks , Chairman


………………………………….. Andrew D Findon, Secretary


…………………………………..Eileen D Findon, Treasurer and Membership Secretar

Details of Meeting 12th April 2023

Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society

Report of meeting  –  12th  April  2023  7.30pm in the The Long Room, Penial Chapel, Blaenpennal.

1.           Apologies.   –

 Tony Woodward, Tegwen Meredith,   Rob and Mary Osbourne, Anne Davies.

2. AGM –  New Constitution – It was presented to the meeting, to formalise the changes that have been necessary due to Covid, the change back from the requirements  by the Lottery grant for the Mynydd Bach book, and the desire to expand the events to include more community activities, and cover a larger area to serve the Community. There were no objections. A copy of the new Constitution is attached.  Any paid up members may lodge an objection to the new Constitution with 14 days, either via this email address or in person to the Secretary.

3. Election of Officers – The Committee and Officers were re-elected en bloc.

4. Report of Treasurer  The Financial Report was presented, copy attached.

 5. Future activities  –

Welsh conversation –  To continue for the time being, on   1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm, but perhaps with a Summer break. There are  still spaces for other  members to join the group, contact the Secretary, Andrew.

History meetings start again in September.

Summer activities.  Open for suggestions.

Suggestions for other activities welcomed.

Gigs in the hayloft.  Paula Rylatt  gave details of the future gigs –

1- Phil King    Saturday May 6th . Check him out on

2- Black Feathers   Sunday June 4th on

3-Truckstop Honeymoon    Thursday August 3rd

4- Duo   Wednesday September 6th

 If you are interested in joining the events please email Paula at

6.    The presentation was kindly given   by     Meic Birtwistle

              Frongoch – Gwalia et Italia –       In happy comradeship

              Conflict between Welsh and Italian lead miners  c 1900

7.       Refreshments.

Andrew  Findon, Ysgrifennydd – Secretary Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach Society
Jez Danks , Cadeirydd – Chairman – Cymdeithas Mynydd Bach So

Cyfarfod-Meeting 23 November

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in the Long Room Penial Chapel.

Ann Gwyn will be talking about the activities of Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd (see details below.)  It
will cover an interesting assortment of activities.
Also, the Committee will be revealing details of the proposed changes to the Society, for
members to discuss, and details of the Christmas Social which is proposed for 14th December.

Andrew Findon, Ysgrifennydd – Secretary Cymdeithas Hanes Blaenpennal  History Society

About Cymdeithas Edward LlwydCymdeithas Edward Llwyd  is a Welsh medium, natural history organization established by Dafydd Davies, Rhandirmwyn in 1978 for people who appreciate and want to learn more about the natural environment, geography and heritage of their country. It is named after Edward Llwyd (1660 -1709) the Welsh natural historian, geographer, linguist, and antiquary.

Field trips are held most Saturdays in each of three geographic areas: South and Mid Wales, North East Wales and Gwynedd and Anglesey. The field trips are led by people with a specialised and local knowledge of the flora, fauna and history of the area. Welsh learners are always welcome to join the field trips.

The society publishes two journals twice yearly. “Y Cylchlythyr” is a newsletter informing members about the society’s day to day activities and “Y Naturiaethwr” (The Naturalist) includes more substantial articles about various aspects of the natural world.

A linked website “Llên Natur” (Natural Lore) has been set up by the Society to collect, collate and store information from the public about the natural world and all aspects of the environment including weather, folk lore, place names, geology, flora and fauna. “Llên Natur” publishes a monthly ebulletin.

Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd aims to promote and standardise the use of the Welsh language within its fields of interest. To date it has published four Directories of Species which cross-reference Welsh, English and scientific names.

The society’s tent at the Welsh National Eisteddfod includes a small exhibition of its activities and features a specific aspect of the natural world. Additionally, it provides a focal point for members and other interested parties on the Eisteddfod field. During Eisteddfod week the Society sponsors the annual Edward Llwyd lecture and arranges an Eisteddfod field trip.

Amdanon Ni


Sefydlwyd Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd yn 1978 gan y diweddar Dafydd Davies, Rhandirmwyn, fel cymdeithas i naturiaethwyr Cymru. Y mae yn rhoi cyfleoedd i’r aelodau werthfawrogi, mwynhau a dysgu am y byd o’u cwmpas a hynny drwy gyfrwng yr iaith Gymraeg.

Enwir y Gymdeithas ar ôl Edward Llwyd (1660 – 1709), naturiaethwr ag ysgolhaig; yn ei gyfnod cyfeiriwyd ato fel “y naturiaethwr gorau yn awr yn Ewrop”. Yr oedd ganddo ddiddordebau eang ac fe’i adnabyddir hefyd fel botanegydd, ieithydd, daearegydd, a hynafiaethwr. Y mae gweithgareddau’r Gymdeithas yn adlewyrchu diddordebau Edward Llwyd.

Teithiau Maes

Prif weithgaredd y Gymdeithas yw cynnal teithiau cerdded mewn gwahanol ardaloedd o Gymru a thrwy hynny rhoi cyfleoedd i’r aelodau ddod i adnabod eu gwlad yn well. Bydd pob un o’r gweithgareddau dan ofalaeth arweinydd sydd â diddordeb arbennig mewn gwahanol agweddau ar fyd natur a hanes Cymru. Trefnir teithiau mewn tri rhanbarth, Y De a’r Canolbarth, Y Gogledd Ddwyrain a Gwynedd a Môn. Cynhelir teithiau ar y Sadwrn ym mhob rhanbarth, bron gydol y flwyddyn.


Cyhoeddir dau gylchgrawn pob chwe mis; y Cylchlythyr a’r Naturiaethwr. Pwrpas y Cylchlythyr yw meithrin cysylltiad â’r aelodau a rhannu gwybodaeth am y teithiau a gweithgareddau eraill. Cyhoeddir erthyglau mwy swmpus am faterion yn ymwneud â byd natur yn y Naturiaethwr.

Llên Natur

Bas data ar lein yw Llên Natur, datblygiad a noddir gan y Gymdeithas, ceir cyfle i gofnodi pob agwedd o fywyd cefn gwlad a byd natur yn y bas data hwn. Mae gwefan Llên Natur yn agored i bawb ddarllen neu gyfrannu lluniau neu sylwadau am fyd natur yn ei holl agweddau. Cyhoeddir bwletin ar lein bob mis mae yn agored i bawb a gellir cael mynediad uniongyrchol neu trwy’r linc o’r wefan hon.

Tudalen Gweplyfr

Ar dudalen Gweplyfr [‘Facebook’] y Gymdeithas ceir gogwydd mwy cymdeithasol gyda lluniau a straeon am y teithiau diweddaraf – a’r aelodau! Mae’r rhif cod cyswllt ar gael yn y Cylchlythyr.

Safoni enwau a thermau

Mae’r Gymdeithas yn ceisio hybu a lledaenu’r defnydd o’r iaith Gymraeg ym mob agwedd o’r meysydd o ddiddordeb. I’r perwyl hwn sefydlwyd is-bwyllgor enwau a thermau i sicrhau fod geirfa Gymraeg ar gael i drafod enwau creaduriaid a phlanhigion. Cyhoeddwyd ffrwyth gwaith yr is-bwyllgor hwn mewn pedair cyfrol;

Creaduriaid Asgwrn-cefn – 1994Planhigion Blodeuol, Conwydd a Rhedyn -2003Gwyfynod, Gloÿnnod Byw a Gweision Neidr – 2009Ffyngau – 2016Casglu a chofnodi enwau gwenyn a chacwn fydd y dasg nesaf. Mae’r gwaith yma yn mynd rhagddo drwy gydweithrediad â Chanolfan Bedwyr Prifysgol Bangor, Y Porth Termau a Wicipedia Cymreig.

Gweithgaredd Arall

Cynhelir y Gynhadledd Flynyddol ar benwythnos ym mis Medi. Yn ystod y Gynhadledd trefnir darlithoedd a theithiau maes, yn ogystal â’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol.Fe fydd y Gymdeithas yn paratoi pabell ar faes yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol pob blwyddyn. Ceir yno cyfle i gyflwyno ein gweithgaredd, cyfarfod aelodau, a chodi’r ymwybyddiaeth o’r Gymdeithas ymysg yr Eisteddfodwyr.Hefyd, yn achlysurol fe drefnir darlithoedd a nosweithiau cymdeithasol.

Rheolaeth a Statws

Rheolir y Gymdeithas gan y Pwyllgor Gwaith sydd yn cyfarfod pedair gwaith y flwyddyn. Sefydlwyd nifer is-bwyllgorau ar gyfer gwaith penodol ee ‘enwau a thermau’. Y mae’r Pwyllgor Gwaith yn atebol i’r Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyffredinol, sydd yn gyfrifol am ethol swyddogion. Y mae enwau’r prif swyddogion ar gael ar y wefan hon.Y mae’r Gymdeithas yn Elusen Gofrestredig: Rhif 1126027.

Meeting June 22

A meeting was held at Ffos yr Odyn Barn, on Wednesday evening 22nd June, which was attended by 24, to discuss the restart of the History Society in September, and  future Community activities.   For those people new to the area, we gave a summary of past activities, including the formation of the Society, publishing of the “Mynydd Bach Ei Hanes – Its History” book, the” Christmas Recipes and Memories” booklet, local  Welsh language improvers sessions,   and offshoot activities for the Community such as Covid support, broadband and phone service, in the area, and providing a heart defibrillator.  The annual subscription will remain at £5 per person.

Several ideas were suggested for future activities, so the Committee will discuss these suggestions and arrange suitable activities.

Jez Danks gave us some entertainment demonstrating his violin skills, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.

Many thanks to Chris and Michele Pope for providing the facilities, and opening the bar, which lubricated proceedings.

November Meeting – Operation Julie – Lyn Ebenezer

Operation Julie – by Lyn Ebenezer.

 The history of one of the world’s biggest drugs networks that was active in mid-Wales in the mid-1970s. In a rural laboratory near Tregaron pure LSD valued at millions of pounds was produced and seized; this lead to an interesting and notorious criminal case.
Wednesday 13th November
Venue – The Long Room Penial Chapel 7.30pm

Meetings for 2019/20

Meetings at Long Room Penial Chapel 7.30pm


11 September   Memories of World War 2
09 October    Pont Llanio Creamery- Lloyd Jones
13 November   Operation Julie- Lyn Ebenezer
13 December    Christmas Social at Ty Newydd


12 February      Derry Ormond – Alan Leach
11 March         Members items
08 April            Awaiting confirmation
13 May               Daytime visit of  local interest

Membership £ 5 per person,  enquiries to

Andrew Findon, Y Felin Fach , 01974-251231

Website –

E-bost  email

November Meeting


Bywyd bugail ….. a shepherd’s life  Erwyd Howells

Cymdeithas Hanes Blaenpennal,

Cyfarfod 14eg Tachwedd, 7.30 yh

Ystafell Hir, Capel Penial ,Blaenpennal

Tâl mynediad £2 i bawb nad sy’n aelod.

Blaenpennal Local History Society

Meeting, 14th November, 7.30pm

The Long Room, Penial Chapel, Blaenpennal

Entry fee £2 for Non members of Society.