A meeting was held at Ffos yr Odyn Barn, on Wednesday evening 22nd June, which was attended by 24, to discuss the restart of the History Society in September, and future Community activities. For those people new to the area, we gave a summary of past activities, including the formation of the Society, publishing of the “Mynydd Bach Ei Hanes – Its History” book, the” Christmas Recipes and Memories” booklet, local Welsh language improvers sessions, and offshoot activities for the Community such as Covid support, broadband and phone service, in the area, and providing a heart defibrillator. The annual subscription will remain at £5 per person.
Several ideas were suggested for future activities, so the Committee will discuss these suggestions and arrange suitable activities.
Jez Danks gave us some entertainment demonstrating his violin skills, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
Many thanks to Chris and Michele Pope for providing the facilities, and opening the bar, which lubricated proceedings.